A Set Of Gear And Accessories Every Professional Landscape Photographer Carries!

Article by- Chinar Tekchandani & Prithviraj Banerjee

Landscape views usually take a person’s breath away. They can calm people and help them find peace and solace. Landscape pictures usually tend to have a similar effect. They have the power to take a person to a beautiful, quiet and soothing place.

People often wonder about the kind of gear photographers use to get such amazing images, however my friend, I must tell you that nothing beats the skills of a photographer.

As you move forward in the field of photography, with practice you will feel the urge to capture the tiniest of details which is where good gear will help you. Apart from investing in the right kind of gear, it’s also important to invest in good quality of gear. Gear that’s not flimsy and can bear the bruises of field work.

Here is a list of equipments that you can add to your camera bag if you’re a landscape photographer itching to add more and more quality to your photos.

1. Tripod

    The tripod will give your camera the stability to capture sharp images irrespective of weather conditions. It is advisable to have a good tripod while capturing landscapes/Seascape/Citiscape. A good tripod enables us to get long exposures capturing moving clouds, moving water, light trails, irrespective of the terrain in which we are shooting.

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Image credit : Mahendra Bhaindarkar

2. Wide-Angle Lens

Wide-angle lenses give a wide field of view. A good wide field of view helps to capture the essence of the environment. Lenses having a focal length from 11mm to 35mm are considered to be wide-angle lenses. One can also use tele lens to create some spectacular landscape images due to their narrow field of view and image compression which are helpful in shooting mountainscapes, etc

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Image credit : asoggetti on Unsplash

3. Circular Polarizer Filter (CPL Filter)

    CPL means circular polarizer/linear, it is a glass attachment that is used to reduce the glare from reflected surfaces. The CPL enhances the color of the sky however the way it is supposed to be used is to keep the sun either towards the right or the left side from your camera sensor and then shoot the image for effective use.

Image credit : Prithviraj Banerjee

4. Neutral Density Filters (ND Filters)

    ND filter is an important tool for landscape photographers. It comes with different densities of darkness. With this filter, the amount of light entering the camera reduces resulting in a requirement to decrease the shutter speed for correct exposure. A slower shutter speed may cause hazy images of moving subjects in the field. This quality of ND filter can be used when you want to emphasize the movement of your subjects. Some of these subjects include waterfall, fast-flowing river, vehicular traffic, etc.

Image credit : Prithviraj Banerjee

5. Graduated Neutral Density Filters (GND filter)

    Just like ND filters, the GND filters will reduce the amount go light entering the camera. However, a GND filter is only partly darkened. It means that the light entering the camera will be reduced only in half of the image and the other half will remain the same. This will help prevent images to have a very bright sky without losing details/colour in it even when the ground is properly exposed.

Image credit : Apurv Jadhav

6. Shutter Release Cable

    This cable enables the photographer to control the duration of shutter release without limitations. By default most cameras give us 30 seconds as max exposure time, Using a shutter release cable we can shoot beyond 30 secs which can be required for shooting a milky way, waterfalls, light trail, etc.

Image credit : Rajiv Ranjan Sinha

Good luck building your camera bag with the appropriate tools!

We hope you find this article helpful! Thank you!

2 thoughts on “A Set Of Gear And Accessories Every Professional Landscape Photographer Carries!”

  • Jeebak 3 years ago June 18, 2021

    Good article

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    • PrithviRaj Banerjee 3 years ago June 19, 2021

      Thank you Sir …

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